Keeping Mice Away From Your Home: Three Outdoor Tips

Keeping mice out of your home starts outside. By minimizing temptation for rodents around your home, you can help prevent them from making their way inside. Here are some tips you can use to help keep rodents at bay throughout the year.

Harvest The Garden And Trees

If you love to garden, or if you keep fruit-bearing trees and bushes on your property, be prepared to harvest early and often. The fruits and veggies you grow can be a source for many types of animals in your area, including rabbits, squirrels, and mice. Harvesting as soon as possible can help eliminate this potential food source.

If you have fruit trees and berry bushes, be sure to remove fallen fruit from the ground before it starts to rot. For smaller trees and shrubs, you can have your landscaper cover the fruit to keep it out of the reach of rodents.

Organize And Declutter

Mice typically look for nesting areas that will remain quiet and undisturbed. Piles of old firewood, lawn toys, and other items that can accumulate in your yard can be great spaces for mice nests.

Take the time to organize your backyard accessories or tools and get rid of any unwanted clutter. Consider using locking storage bins or add a small shed to your backyard to store any items you want to keep. With the yard free from clutter, you can give mice fewer places to hide.

Consider Outdoor Mousetraps

Outdoor mousetraps offer a proactive approach toward pest control. These traps are designed to attract mice nearby so you can have them removed and relocated. Work with your pest control company to find simple and effective traps that are humane, and then set up a schedule to have the rodents removed regularly.

Your pest control expert can also provide the mice with a safe, comfortable alternative for your backyard, so you can be rid of the pesky rodents without having any residual guilt. Talk to your pest control company about where to place these traps. In some case, placing them close to the home can even attract mice that have already made their way into your house.

If you do suspect you have mice living on your property, such as in your garden shed or garage, talk to a rodent control professional. Together, you can take preventative steps to keep the mice population from becoming a problem inside your home.

About Me

Understanding Home Decor Basics

When I first purchased a home, I really had no idea what I was getting into. I thought that it would be fun and easy to make my home gorgeous, but I quickly realized that decorating was going to be a lot more difficult than I originally suspected. It was challenging to know what to add and what to leave out, and before I knew it, my place was looking a little cluttered. I started focusing on understanding the home decor basics, and although I am far from being a professional, my place not looks presentable. This blog is all about understanding and applying home decorating basics.


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